Featherweight Maintenance Class
Featherweight Maintenance Class
In-PersonThis class will teach you simple maintenance to keep your Featherweight running smoothly.
Last Revised: Sep 27th, 2022
Event Description
Are you tired of paying $80 or more to maintain your little beauty? This class will teach you simple maintenance to keep your Featherweight running smoothly. We will clean, oil, lube, and adjust your machine, doing what a sewing machine shop normally would do when you turn it in for maintenance. These machines were made to last, and regular maintenance will help keep it running in tip top condition. We will not be delving into electrical issues. This is a hands-on class, so bring your Featherweight. Supply list will be sent after signing-up. Instructor: Diane Lowe – (859) 551-9430. Class cost is $30.