Events: Horticulture
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- Horticulture
Displaying 1 - 10 of 22 events
The Challenges of Growing Tree Fruit in Kentucky
- Fayette County Extension OfficeWe all dream of bountiful backyard fruit trees, but they often require far more management than homeowners are prepared for. We will discuss the steps required to grow quality fruit at home so you can make an informed decision before planting. Cost: Free - Advance registration required to attend.
Growing Vegetable Transplants at Home
- Fayette County Extension OfficeGrowing quality transplants indoors can be challenging but is not impossible. We will share tips to help you succeed. We will also discuss alternate methods of starting plants for your consideration. Cost: Free - Advance registration required to attend.
Tips for Gardening in Small Spaces
- Fayette County Extension OfficeNot everyone has a patch of ground suitable for a vegetable garden. We will discuss ways you can grow veggies in small or limited spaces. We will cover containers, dwarf vegetable varieties, watering tips, etc. We will provide seeds to try at home. Must attend the class to receive the seeds, which will be distributed at the end of class. Cost: Free - Advance registration required to attend.
Growing Great Zinnias
- Fayette County Extension OfficeThe wildly popular zinnia is a favorite no brainer but often succumbs to disease problems. We will introduce you to improved varieties that will have friends and neighbors drooling. You will be amazed at the bloom size, disease resistance and super bright colors. You will take home seeds of a few fun varieties. Cost: $10.00
The Early Season Vegetable Garden
- Southern StatesThere are many great reasons to grow some of your own food. We will teach the very basic concepts of growing vegetables. This class will also focus on the early spring crops that can be planted and harvested before the main spring planting window. It is far easier than you might think. Participants will receive a copy of our vegetable growing guide and a packet of seeds. Must attend the class to receive the vegetable growing guide and the packet of seeds. Cost: Free, but must register in advance through the Fayette County Extension Office. Seating is limited. **PLEASE NOTE: This class will be meeting at SOUTHERN STATES, 2570 PALUMBO DRIVE, LEXINGTON. However, you must contact the Fayette County Extension Office to register.**
Benefits of Pruning Perennials
- Fayette County Extension OfficeEveryone is familiar with pinching mums to produce fuller, bushier plants that do not flop. Similar techniques can be utilized with many flowering perennials to control height, stagger flowering and delay bloom time. We will discuss benefits and the plants best suited to this technique. Learn the advantages of dead heading and time saving approaches. Cost: Free - Advance registration required to attend
Native Shrubs for Kentucky Landscapes
- Fayette County Extension OfficeThere is great interest in native landscapes but little knowledge of the plants suitable for these applications. We will explore native shrubs suitable for landscape use and discuss growing requirements. Cost: Free - Advance registration required to attend.
- Fayette County Extension OfficeA whole class about everyone’s favorite summer vegetable. We will discuss techniques for growing great tomatoes and how to avoid common pitfalls. There will be an emphasis on disease prevention. We will provide each class member with a tomato plant to grow at home. You must register and attend the class to receive the plant, which will be distributed at the end of class. Cost: Free - Advance registration required to attend.
Growing Sweet Potatoes
- Fayette County Extension OfficeSweet potatoes rarely make it into the home garden. Understandable, as they take up lots of room, but unfortunate as they are very easily grown and very nutritious. These tasty and versatile vegetables have few pests. Come learn how simple it is. We will provide plants you can grow at home. Cost: $10.00
Managing Lawn Weeds
- Fayette County Extension OfficeThere are many types of weeds and controlling them begins with an understanding of their life cycle. We will cover annual and winter annual weeds and their management as well as their perennial cousins. Control strategies will include chemical and sustainable (very limited) approaches. We will also discuss some of the benefits a weedy lawn can provide should you prefer a more natural approach. You should leave with the knowledge to gain the upper hand in your weed battles (you still need to provide the effort and motivation). Cost: Free - Advance registration required to attend.
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