Events: In-Person
- Upcoming Events
- Events: In-Person
Displaying 21 - 30 of 87 events
A Bad Deal in Disguise: Types of Scams - Homemaker Leader Lesson
- Fayette County Extension OfficeFraud can happen to anyone at any age.
Cooking Through the Calendar - Crunch Air Fryer Fish
- Fayette County ExtensionJoin us at the Fayette County Extension office 6:00-7:30pm for our monthly cooking demonstration and sampling. Try tasty Nutrition Education Program Calendar recipes and discover strategies to eat healthier and cook at home!
Growing Great Zinnias
- Fayette County Extension OfficeThe wildly popular zinnia is a favorite no brainer but often succumbs to disease problems. We will introduce you to improved varieties that will have friends and neighbors drooling. You will be amazed at the bloom size, disease resistance and super bright colors. You will take home seeds of a few fun varieties. Cost: $10.00
4-H Cloverbuds - Day Club
- Fayette County Extension OfficeAges 5-8 are welcome to join us. Learn about 4-H in a fun environment.
4-H Teen Club
- Fayette County Extension OfficeLeadership, Friendship, Community Service and Life Skills
4-H Cloverbuds - Evening Club
- Fayette County Extension OfficeAges 5-8 are welcome to join us. Learn about 4-H in a fun environment.